⩥Here’s What Your Coffee Order Says About You
You might think that your coffee order is simply part of your morning ritual to get caffeinated, but in fact, it says a lot about you. Coffee is the world’s most popular beverage (besides H20) and knowing someone’s coffee order can actually reveal a lot about them, according to human behavioral experts.
1. Black coffee
A cup of black coffee is a bold and no-frills choice. Apparently, people who like this drink are single-minded or fitness-oriented since they’re aware that this drink is a low-calorie choice. A black coffee drinker is often self-sufficient focused, and determined, but sometimes at the cost of being selfish.

2. Latte
A bit more extravagant than black coffee is the latte, which combines steamed milk with a single or double shot of espresso. True coffee lovers and coffee amateurs alike both love this middle-of-the-ground beverage that’s not too complicated. A latte drinker isn’t overly adventurous or necessarily a risk-taker, but they’re often agreeable and go with the flow types.
3. Espresso
An espresso is bold like black coffee, but in a different way. Never watered down or made milder with milk, a person who orders an espresso is strong, adventurous, and empowered. It’s often the same kind of person who likes whiskey straight-up, making this a popular drink for a no-nonsense person that’s decisive and doesn’t like to play games.

4. Cappuccino
A cappuccino drinker is a bit more adventurous than someone who orders a latte at a coffee shop and is often considered fun by their friend. They like to go out of their comfort zone a little bit and have a generally open-minded attitude towards life. A cappuccino lover is often happy to learn a new skill or visit a new place.

5. Iced coffee
When it’s hot out, many of us turn to iced coffee, whether it’s black or with a hint of cream and sugar. But there’s something special about people who order iced coffee in the winter — they’re misfits, and we mean that in the kindest way possible. Anyone who orders iced coffee in the cold weather goes against the grain. They only abide by their own rules and are often found playing in the rain while others run from it.

6. Flat White
A flat white isn’t that different from a cortado — it’s all in the texture of the milk, and a flat white is a little frothier. Those that order this drink see themselves as sophisticated because it’s an acquired taste with a strong blast of coffee flavor. The flat white drinker is often outspoken, has strong opinions, and might even be a little arrogant.

7. Mocha
The mocha is adorable, but does it really count as a coffee? Blending delicious chocolate with coffee and milk, it often comes with a garnish and is Instagrammed all the time. The person drinking this might be flamboyant, extroverted, and maybe even a little loud. In other words, the part hasn’t started until they’ve arrived.

8. Cortado
For those who don’t know, a cortado is a 1:1 mix of espresso and milk. A cortado drinker is a big fan of structure and likes to think that their opinions matter. They also might not be the most open to change. A cortado is a lesser-known drink for coffee aficionados, making this person intelligent. Or at the least, they view themselves as intelligent.

9. Pumpkin spiced latte
Come autumn, this drink is all over social media. Adored by so-called ”basic people”, a PSL-drinker likes a fad and they’re not ashamed of it. People who have an affinity for this drink feel a need for validation and sometimes suffer from low self-esteem. They feel a need for acceptance, and this warm fall drink represents a layer of comfort for low-confidence folks.

10. Coffee with flavored syrup
You never know how one of these is going to end up. The barista might put too much or too little potentially ruining the drink. Hence, this person isn’t afraid of risk. They’re also naturally trustworthy given the faith that they put in the person making their drink. They’re also creative since they’re not sure how their coffee will turn out but are willing to experiment.
11. Tea
And finally, we have the tea drinkers. While it’s not coffee, the world seems to be divided into two things: coffee lovers and tea lovers. Tea represents self-care and reflection, and tea drinkers are often level-headed and grounded. They also like their routines.